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Effect of Lateral Fertilization Distance on N,P and K Absorption and Yield in Soybean(PDF)


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Effect of Lateral Fertilization Distance on N,P and K Absorption and Yield in Soybean
SONG Qiu-lai1ZHANG Xiao-xue2ZHOU Quan3GONG Zhen-ping1MA Chun-mei1DONG Shou-kun1XU Yao1
1.College of Agriculture,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,China;2.Shanghai Finc Tech Inc,Qinhuangdao 066000,China;3.852 State Farm,Baoqing 155620,China
SoybeanLateral fertilizationDry matter accumulationYield
Under the uniform vertical fertilization distance of 6 cm below seed,the 0,6,12,18 and 24 cm horizontal lateral fertilization distance (HLFD) were adopted,and the dynamics of N,P and K absorption, dry mater accumulation(DMA) as well as soybean seed yield(SY)were determined under frame-planting and 15N tracer technique with Suinong14 as material. DMA and SY decreased with the increment of lateral fertilization distance.Highest DMA before R4 was obtained at 0 cm of HLFD.Highest DMA and SY at R8 were obtained at 6 cm of HLFD,and there were no significant difference between 0-12 cm of HLFD.Plant N,P,K content and accumulation decreased with the increment of lateral fertilization distance.In the former grow stage(V3-R1),the highest plant N,P,K content and accumulation was obtained at 0 cm of HLFD,and those in the later growth stage(R1-R8)was obtained at 0-12 cm of HLFD.The 0-6 cm of HLFD were benefit for nitrogen absorption before flowering,which was obviously better than 18-24 cm of HLFD.


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Last Update: 2014-08-04