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Molecular Deversity and Characterization of Nitrite Reductase Genes from Continuous and Rotational Cropping Soybean(PDF)


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Molecular Deversity and Characterization of Nitrite Reductase Genes from Continuous and Rotational Cropping Soybean
XIAO Cui-hong1SUN Dong-mei1TANG Hui2LIU Zhen-hua1
1.College of Life Science,Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University,Daqing 163319,Heilongjiang;
2.College of Life Science,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,Hebei,China
Continuous croppingSoybeanRotational croppingNitrite reductase(nirS)
Gene sequence analysis of nitrite reductases was performed on continuous cropping and rotational cropping soils of soybean to assess their incidence in different bacterial taxa and their taxonomical value.NirS gene fragments could be amplified from both soils.A total of 268 nirS clones were detected by restriction fragment length polymorphism(RFLP)analysis and obtained 29 and 34 distinct nirS clones in continuous cropping and rotational cropping soils respectively.A dominant nirS pattern,a single dominant nirS restriction pattern of rotational cropping,was observed in both samples.Beside above pattern,another two dominant patterns were also detected in continuous cropping soil.Many of the sequences belonged to dominant pattern were not closely related to previously observed genes and some phylogenetically related sequences were obtained from similar samples.The results indicated that the continuous cropping and rotational cropping soils contained novel nirS sequences,functional diversity of nirS genes changed in the two type soils.


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Last Update: 2014-08-16