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Distance and Frequency of Gene Flow in Transgenic Soybean Overexpressing TaDREB3(PDF)


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Distance and Frequency of Gene Flow in Transgenic Soybean Overexpressing TaDREB3
ZHANG Bin-binLI Yong-guangGAI Jiang-nanLI Wen-bin
Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology in Chinese Ministry of Education,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,Heilongjiang,China
Transgenic soybeanGene flowDistance of gene flowFrequency of gene flow
In order to investigate the ecological safety issues associated with transgenic soybeans planting,seeds of T4 generation of transgenic lines overexpressing TaDREB3,a stress-tolerant gene,were sowed in the field,surrounded with the nontransgenic control plant.The distance and frequency of gene flow in transgenic soybean overexpressing TaDREB3 were determined. Two successive years’ field and potted tests were carried out through glufosinate selection as well as molecular detection.The results showed that the optimal concentration of glufosinate selection in the trifoliate stage was 75 mg?L-1.One positive plant was detected in the nontransgenic soybean at 1 m distance from the transgenic plant center,while no positive was detected in 3,5 and 8 m plants.Therefore,the possibility of TaDREB3 gene flow under nature condition was 0.03478% with 1 m distance.


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Last Update: 2014-08-15