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Advances on the Study of GAMYB Gene in Gibberellin Signal Transduction in Soybean and Other Plants(PDF)


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Advances on the Study of GAMYB Gene in Gibberellin Signal Transduction in Soybean and Other Plants
GAO Yang ZHAO Lin LI Wen-bin
Soybean Research Institute, Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology of Chinese Education Ministry, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, Heilongjiang, China
GA signal transductionGAMYB geneSoybean
Gibberellin(GA) is a common plant hormone that plays an important role in the growth and development in higher plants. In recent years, the power of molecular genetics has dramatically advanced our understanding of all aspects of GA signaling. Many genes encoding GA response pathway components have been identified using Arabidopsis and cereal mutants. GAMYB is one of the key MYB transcription factor that is expressed in response to GA. In this paper, research on the GA signal transduction, GA response pathway components and transcription factor GAMYB were reviewed. It included the structure of GAMYB, its regulation mechanism in diverse developmental processes and research on GAMYB gene in soybean.


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Last Update: 2014-09-15