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Construction of a Plant Expression Vector Containing Two T-DNA Based on phy Gene(PDF)


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Construction of a Plant Expression Vector Containing Two T-DNA Based on phy Gene
ZHAO Yan-peng1 LI Jie1 LIU Qi2 XIA Shan-yong2 WU Li-cheng2WANG Xiu-jun2 LI Xi-chen2
1.Life Science College of Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030;
2.Biotechnology Research Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086,Heilongjiang,China
phy genebar genePlant expression vectors containing two T-DNAsSecurity
To obtain transgenic soybean plants without selective marker genes, an efficient approach is to transform soybean with plant expression vectors containing two separate T-DNAs in a single expression vector, by which transgenic plants without selective marker genes could be selected in their progenies by crossing deletion. In this study, we used homology clone method to amplify the fragments of phytase gene from Aspergillus awamori and constructed a plant expression vector containing two T-DNAs, designated as pBSP. The results laid the basis to achieve marker-free transgenic plants in the progenies.


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Last Update: 2014-09-13