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Uses of Graft Techniques in the Studies of Physiology and Breeding of Soybean(PDF)


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Uses of Graft Techniques in the Studies of Physiology and Breeding of Soybean
JIA ZhenHAN Tian-fu
National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement,Institute of Crop Sciences,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
SoybeanGraftPhysiologyTransmissible signal
Graft techniques are effective in studying physiological aspects like signal transduction among organs of plants,properties of transmissible signal substances and their functions,etc.In this review,the graft techniques and combination types between stocks and scions were briefly introduced,and then the application of graft techniques in soybean physiological researches was illustrated in detail,with emphasis on the characteristics and action of transmissible floral induction substances,root-shoot interaction,mechanism of nodulation and regulation of nitrogen fixation.In addition,the utilization of graft techniques in soybean breeding and conservation of perennial Glycine species was also introduced.


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Last Update: 2014-09-13