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Soybean Population Growth Dynamic under the Super-high Yield Cultivation Mode with Narrow Row and Dense Seeded Semi-dwarf Cultivar(PDF)


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Soybean Population Growth Dynamic under the Super-high Yield Cultivation Mode with Narrow Row and Dense Seeded Semi-dwarf Cultivar
ZHANG Jing-tao12ZHENG Dian-feng2SHEN Xiao-hui1WANG Qian-yu1LIU Zhong-tang3JIA Hui-bin1LIU Feng3DU Ji-dao2ZAO Gui-Fan1SONG Ying-bo1
1.Jiamusi Branch,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jiamusi 154007,Heilongjiang;
2.College of Plant Science,Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University,Daqing 1633192;
3.Agricultural Sciences of Heilongjiang Province,Harbin 150086,Heilongjiang,China
Semi-warf soybeanNarrow row plantingSuper yieldDynamic growth
In order to clarify the mechanism of the growth and development of the super yield soybean in the cold region,Field experiments were conducted with three cultivation patterns,they were B45(semi-dwarf variety He 98-1667 planted with row space of 45 cm and density of 41.5×104plants.ha-1),G70(tall stalk variety Longxuan 1 planted with row space of 70 cm and density of 30.5×104plants.ha-1,CK1) and Z45(middle short stalk variety Kenfeng 16 planted with row space of 45 cm and density of 18.8×104plants.hm-2,CK2).In the condition of the narrow row,dense seeded and high fertilizer and water supplement,the individual plant of B45 treatment was lower in term of the plant height,dry matter weight and the leaf area comparing with Z45 and G70.However,the population dry matter weight of B45 was significantly higher than CK.B45 treatment had highest LAI of 8.081 and the peak value appeared 8 days earlier than G70.Long period of higher LAI was observed in B45 treatment.The chlorophyll content,net photosynthetic rate of B45 was superior to CK at various growth stages,which laid the foundation for the high yield of 4895.7 kgha-1.For Z45 treatment,serious lodging was taking place with higher planting population and semi-determinate soybean cultivar.For G70 treatment,the individual plant was well developed,while had poor population performance for the lower planting population.


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Last Update: 2014-09-17