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Cloning of the GsAF1 Gene and Expression Analysis From Soybean (Glycine soja)(PDF)


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Cloning of the GsAF1 Gene and Expression Analysis From Soybean (Glycine soja)
HE HuiDING Yi-qiongWANG Xiao-linYU De-yue
Soybean Research Institute,Nanjing Agricultural University,National Center for Soybean Improvement,National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement,Nanjing 210095,Jiangsu,China
Soybean (Glycine soja)Actin depolymerizing factorGsADF1Cloning
As an important kind of actin binding proteins,actin depolymerizing factor(ADF) with a low molecular weight exsist in eukaryotic cells extensively.ADF play a key roll in cell division,cell movement,plant top growth,such as pollen tube elongation and root hair formation.In this study,we took cDNA of leaves from soybean (Glycine soja) as the template,and cloned GsADF1 by RT-PCR.The full length of GsADF1 was 693 bp,which including 417bp open reading frame(ORF).GsADF1 contained 139 amino acid residues.Comparising multiple amino acid sequences between GsADF1 and ADFs protein from other species,we constructed a phylogenetic tree.We found that they were high homologous and greatly conserved in many amino acid sites.To further study the expression level of GsADF1 in different tissues and differnt development stages of soybean,we chose Real time RT-PCR to analyze it.The results indicated GsADF1expressed in roots,stems,leaves,flowers and seeds.Especially highly expressed in roots and flowers;whereas expressed in 15DAF lowly,and presented a upward trend from 15DAF to 45DAF.The change of expressing level showed GsADF1 possibly involved in the process from embryogenesis to the accumulation of storage material in the seeds.


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Last Update: 2014-09-13