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Inheritance of Plant Height and Its Correlation with Internode Length in Dwarf Soybean(PDF)


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Inheritance of Plant Height and Its Correlation with Internode Length in Dwarf Soybean
YAN HaoLIU Bao-quanWANG Bo
Soybean Centre,Jinlin Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Changchun 130124,Jilin,China
SoybeanDwarfPlant heightPlant typeGenetic characteristics
The dwarfism genetic characteristics of Jimidou 1 was studied with the plant height data of the parents and the F1,F2?and F3?hybrids between the cross combination of Jimindou 1×Jilin 35 and Jimindou 1×Changnong 13.Results showed that the frequency of plant height in F2?hybrids have 3 obvious peak values,and the separation ratio accorded with 1(dwarf):2( semi-dwarf ) ∶1 ( high stalk ) on the basis of Chi square tests.Plant height in some plant-to-row of F3?hybrids showed monogenic controlled normal distribution phenomenon,while others showed similar trend with F2?hybrids,which suggested that the dwarfism of Jimidou 1 was controlled cooperatively by a main-effect non-completely dominant gene and several helper quantitative trait genes.In addition,the correlation factor of reasonable plant typed dwarf soybean was analyzed according to the concept of plant height index and the internode length data of F3 hybrids,which indicated that the higher IL?value could lead to more reasonable plant type.


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Last Update: 2014-09-21