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Heredity and Parental Correlation of Oil Content in F4 Generation of High-oil Soybean(PDF)


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Heredity and Parental Correlation of Oil Content in F4 Generation of High-oil Soybean
MENG Fan-gang1FU Jian1WANG Xin-feng1MA Wei1YU Zhi-jing2
1Soybean Research Center of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Changchun 130124,Jilin;
2 Biotechnology Research Center of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Changchun 130124,Jilin,China
Seven high yield or high-oil soybean were selected and eight crosses were made according to NCII design,the heredity of oil content in F4and its correlation with parents were researched.The variation of oil content in F4related with the difference between parents,and obvious difference between parents resulted in more variation in the oil content of F4.When the oil content of both parents were high,and the maturating time of them are very different,the high-oil F4plants tended to derive from those crosses with both high-oil content and significant difference in maturity.The oil content of F4generation had negtive correlation with the difference between parents,and had positive correlation with male parent and its correlation with oil content of female parent and mid-parent reached extremely significant.


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Last Update: 2014-10-04