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Relation between Organ Balance and Yield in Soybean of Different Podding Habits(PDF)


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Relation between Organ Balance and Yield in Soybean of Different Podding Habits
GUAN Xiao-xue1SONG Shu-hong2DONG Li-jie2CAO Yong-qiang2BAI Wei3
1College of Agronomy,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110161,Liaoning;
2Crop Institute,Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Science,Shenyang 110161,Liaoning;
3College of Land and Environment,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110161,Liaoning,China
SoybeanOrgan balancePodding habitsYield
A comparative study that probes into the relationship between the organ balance and yield of soybeans with different podding habits was carried out recently.By adopting a pair of sister lines of determinate and semi-determinate named“Liao 95024”,which were planted in the potted and field conditions,the dry weight of leaf,petiole,stem,pod shell,seed and root were determined to seek the organ balance.In the potted plant conditions,the general trend of the organ balance of determinate and semi-determinate soybean at initial flowering were both leaves> stem> root>petiole;the organ balance of determinate soybean at maturity was:seed> leaves> stem> pod shell>root>petiole,while organ balance was:leaves(or seed)>stem>pod shell>root>petiole for semi-determinate soybean.In field conditions,the general trend of organ balance for determinate soybean was:seed>leaves>stem>pod shell(or petiole)> root,while was seed> stem> leaves> pod shell>petiole>root for semi-determinate soybean.Results suggest that the organ balance closely related to podding habits and the calculated economic coefficients for determinate soybean are higher than those of semi-determinate soybean in both potted and field conditions.


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Last Update: 2014-10-03