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Relationship between Length of Soybean ESTs Sequence and Characters of EST-SSR(PDF)


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Relationship between Length of Soybean ESTs Sequence and Characters of EST-SSR
ZHAN Shao-hua1SHENG Xin-ying2FAN Hong-hong2CAI Yong-ping2LIN Yi2
1Chemistry and Biology Department,West Anhui University,Lu’an 237012,Anhui;
2Life Science School,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036,Anhui,China
SoybeanESTEST-SSRSequence lengthRepeat Conting
The objective of this study was to research the traits of simple sequence repeats (SSR) derived from expressed sequence tags(EST) of soybean and to compare the characters of SSRs in different length of ESTs,so 20183 no redundancy EST sequences were analyzed.The EST sequences were downloaded from NCBI,and SSRs were screened using SSRIT program.The results showed 1747 ESTs (8.66%)contained one or more SSRs.According to EST sequence length over or less than 400bp,the SSRs rates were 10.05% and 4.74%,respectively.Di-nucleotide repeats (60.45%)were the most abundant type of repeats followed by Tri-nucleotide repeats(37.04%).AT,AG,AAT,AC,AAG,ACG were the most common SSR repeat motifs.In the 1798 EST-SSRs,the length of EST-SSR over 12bp accounted for 51.45 percent,and proportion of the length more than 20bp accounted for 13.35 percent.The average distance of distribution was 7.91(1/kb).123527 SSRs were deduced in EST database of NCBI,so we claimed exploration value of the EST-SSRs for the soybean molecular marker.The results would contribute to EST-SSR primer efficient design.


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Last Update: 2014-10-03