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Effect of Narrow Trenches and Compact Planting of Three Lines of Ridge on Population Physiology in Soybean(PDF)


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Effect of Narrow Trenches and Compact Planting of Three Lines of Ridge on Population Physiology in Soybean
LI Rui-ping1LI Zhi-gang1MA Ri-liang2WANG Gui-ping2BAO Feng-li3
1College of Agriculture of the Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities,Tongliao 028043;
2Agriculture Technologies Popularizing Station of the Inner Mongolia,Hhhot 010011;
3Beijing Doneed Limited Tongliao Branch,Tongliao 028000,Inner Mongolia,China
Three lines of ridgeSoybeanDensityPopulation physiology
The effect of narrow trenches and compact planting of three lines of ridge on population physiology were studied under four cultivating densities(30×104,33×104,36×104,39×104 plantsha-1,respectively),with Kenfeng16 as material.The plant height,leaf area index,leaf area duration,dry matter accumulation and distribution and yield were investigated.The results showed that plant height and leaf area index increased with the increase of density and plant height maximized 66 days after emergence;plant dry matter accumulation were decreased with the increase of density;leaf area duration of each density reached the highest at seed-filling.Seed weight of single plant decreased with the increase of density,but populations yield increased first and then decreased with the density increased.The highest yield of 4364 kgha-1was obtained under the density of 36×104 plantsha-1.


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Last Update: 2014-10-01