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Accumulation and Distribution of Ca and Mg in Super High Yielding Soybean cv.Liaodou 14(PDF)


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Accumulation and Distribution of Ca and Mg in Super High Yielding Soybean cv.Liaodou 14
XIAO Wan-xin1ZHANG Hui-jun1WANG Hai-ying1XIE Fu-ti1YAN Xiao-yan2
1 College of Agronomy,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110161,Liaoning;
2 Research Center of Soybean,Jilin Academy of Agricultural Science,Changchun 130124,Jilin,China
SoybeanSuper high yieldingFertilizerPlanting densityNutrient accumulation
Ca and Mg were the essential microelements of soybean,which play an important role in its growth and yield formation.The objective of this article was to study the accumulation and distribution of Ca and Mg in super high yielding soybean.Comparative analysis of nutrition accumulation and distribution were carried out through 2 years experiments with super high yielding soybean variety of Liaodou 14 and common soybean variety Liaodou 11 under different fertilizer levels and planting densities.Results showed that the order of Ca content in the organs of soybean was leaf> petiole> pod> grain> stem;Mg content was petiole> leaf> pod> stem> grain.As the plant growth,the Ca content of stem and grain reduced gradually,and those of leaf and petiole showed a decrease trend before initial grain filling stage and then changed to an increase trend,the Ca content of pod was invariable during the whole growth stage.The Mg content of stem,leaf and petiole at initial flowering stage were higher than those at other growth stages,Mg content in pod and grain were higher at full podding and initial grain filling stage,respectively.Compared with those of Liaodou 11,the Ca and Mg content in different organs of Liaodou 14 were higher.Difference of total Ca accumulation reached a significant level under different fertilizer and density treatments;There was a significant difference of total Mg accumulation under different density treatments.Different fertilizer,density treatments and cultivars showed a significant interaction


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Last Update: 2014-09-29