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Effects of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) on the Abscission of Flower and Pod of Soybean(PDF)


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Effects of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) on the Abscission of Flower and Pod of Soybean
ZHENG Dian-feng1ZHAO Li-ming2YU Yang1FENG Nai-jie1ZHAO Jiu-xiang1
1College of Plant Science,Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University,Daqing 163319,Heilongjiang;
2Rice Research Institute of Land Reclamation Academy of Heilongjiang Province,Jiamusi 154025,Heilongjiang,China
Plant growth regulatorsSoybeanAbscissionYield
The abscission of flower and pod is one of main problems affecting grain yield of soybean.In the present study,three PGRs of SOD simulation material (SOD-M),Choline chloride (Cc) and Diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate (DTA-6)were sprayed at R1 stage with soybean cultivar Kennong 4 as material,and the effect of PGRs on abscission of flowers and pods was determined.Compared with CK,the number of flower and pod significantly increased under Cc treatment.DTA-6 and SOD-M effectively reduced the abscission number of flower and pod;DTA-6 markedly enhanced plant height,stem diameter,and yield structures.13.24 % of yield increases were obtained under DTA-6 treatment.Results suggest that it is effective to enhance the numbers of flower and pod by spraying Cc and DTA-6 on soybean leaves,and DTA-6 had better yield increasing effect.


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Last Update: 2014-10-06