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Effects of Light Enrichment and Shade during Reproductive Stage on Yield and Yield Components in Soybean(PDF)


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Effects of Light Enrichment and Shade during Reproductive Stage on Yield and Yield Components in Soybean
LIU Bing123WANG Cheng1JIN Jian1LIU Ju-dong1ZHANG Qiu-ying1LIU Xiao-bing1Stephen J.Herbert4
1Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology,CAS,Harbin 150081,Heilongjiang;
2Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100049;
3College of Life Science,Jilin Normal University,Siping 136000,Jilin China;
SoybeanLight enrichmentShadeYield componentsYield
Light intensity intercepted by soybean canopy during the reproductive period is an important environmental factor determining soybean yield and yield components.Responses of yield and yield components to light enrichment and shade under varied populations were investigated.The results showed that light enrichment increased pod number and seed yield per plant significantly.Under low,moderate and high density conditions,light enrichment increased seed yield per plant from 26.2% to 57.2%,27.7% to 71.7% and 10.8% to 61.4% respectively.Shade decreased pod number and seed yield per plant significantly.Accordingly,under low,moderate and high density conditions,shade decreased seed yield per plant from 37.1% to 46.1%,34.4% to 49.7% and 41.7% to 55.0%.Light enrichment increased pod number of main stem nodes in the central and lower region of soybean plants.Under low density condition,light enrichment increased pod number in H339 from 7.5 to 17.3 at main stem nodes 1 to 6,similarly,from 5.6 to 10.1 in HN35,from 6.9 to 17.2 in KN18.Light enrichment significantly decreased pod abscission ratio of main stem nodes in the lower region of soybean plants.Light enrichment and shade respectively increased or decreased seed number per pod.Under low density condition,light enrichment increased seed number per pod in H339 from 2.17 to 2.36.Under low and moderate density condition,light enrichment increased seed number per pod in HN35 from 1.93 to 2.26,1.78 to 2.13.Under high density condition,light enrichment increased seed number per pod in KN18 from 1.89 to 2.08.Under low density condition,shade decreased seed number per pod in KN18 from 2.17 to 1.97.Light enrichment and shade also influenced seed size under varied populations.Under low density condition,shade increased seed size at 8%-11% in H339 and KN18.However,under high density condition,shade decreased seed size 17% in H339.Variation of seed size had closer relation with plant density and variety.Pod number and seed number per plant as the yield component contributed more to the final yield.


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Last Update: 2014-10-06