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Phylogenetic Analysis of Vegetable-type (Edamame) and Grain-type Soybean[Glycine max(L.) Merr.]Cultivars Through ISSR Markers(PDF)


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Phylogenetic Analysis of Vegetable-type (Edamame) and Grain-type Soybean[Glycine max(L.) Merr.]Cultivars Through ISSR Markers
XIE Fu-ti 1Takahata Yoshihito2Ohno Yasuo3
1College of Agriculture,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110161,Liaoning,China;
2Faculty of Agriculture,Iwate University,020-8550,Japan;3Sato Masayuki Seed Co.,Yahaba-cho 02-0891,Japan
SoybeanISSR MarkerDiversity
ISSR markers are reported to be highly polymorphic and to useful in studies on genetic diversity.Analysis of the diversity in edamame cultivars would aid breeders by making a cross choice of parents.Thirty-seven edamame cultivars/lines and 13 grain-type ones were used in ISSR analysis.Of a total of 50 ISSR primers used 11 primers showed no amplified fragments.Another 39 primers produced 132 bands,of which 81 were polymorphic,accounting for 61.4%.The number of amplified bands varied from 1 to 7,with a size range from 830 to 3530 bp.The average numbers of bands per primer and polymorphic ones were 3.3 and 2.1,respectively.A dendrogram based on UPGMA analysis grouped 50 cultivars/lines into 3 main clusters.Taikadaizu,fasciated-type soybean,appeared to be distinct from all others.Group B comprised 7 grain-type cultivars,most of them developed in China.Group C comprised all Japanese edamame cultivars/lines and 4 grain-type ones.Genotypes grouped in the group C were divided into several subgroups.Among the subgroups,cultivars grouped in the same subgroups had identical characters,for example a subgroup comprised all cultivars with brown hilum and seed coat,white flower and the pod which was not easy to open.Selected cultivars and their original cultivars showed closely relationships in the dendrogram.These results indicated that the dendrogram based on ISSR reflected the genetic relationships of edamame cultivars,and the genetic diversity existed between edamame and grain-type soybeans.The preservation of edamame germplasms would be useful for the better soybean project in the future.


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Last Update: 2014-10-06