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Balanced Fertilization of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Enhanced Accumulation of Nitrogen Compound and Yield of High -oil Soybean(PDF)


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Balanced Fertilization of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Enhanced Accumulation of Nitrogen Compound and Yield of High -oil Soybean
LIU Ying1LI Yu-ying1LIU Feng-ge2SHI Xu-mei2 LIU Shuang-quan1ZHANG ming-yi1
1Soil Environment and Plant Nutrition Key Lab of Heilongjang Pronvince,Soil and Fertilizer and Environment Resources Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin 150086;
2Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Qingan 152400,Heilongjiang,China
NitrogenPhosphorusPotassiumHigh oil soybeanNitrogenous compound
In order to achieve high quality and yield of soybean by optimal application of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium,we set pot examination of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium according to the project of quadric saturation-D optimization design with soybean cultivar Heinong 41 as material.The result showed that balanced fertilization had positive effect on the accumulation of nitrogenous compound in high oil soybean.Nitrogen affected the content of soluble protein,free amino acid,NR and NO3--N most among the fertilizers of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium.Comparing with CK,the content of soluble protein,free amino acid,nitrate reductase(NR)and NO3--N of the treatments of balanced fertilization increased 51.7%,110.42%,185.48% and 278.52%.The yield of treatment without nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium decreased 27.4%,23.0% and 14.6% comparing with the optimal yield treatment.According to the physiological indices and the yield performance,it suggested that the fitting amount of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium were 0.34,0.8 and 0.18 g.kg-1soil.


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Last Update: 2014-10-07