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Effects of Sowing Date on Yield and Quality of High Protein Soybean(PDF)


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Effects of Sowing Date on Yield and Quality of High Protein Soybean
YU Feng-yao1LIU Jin-jiang2XIN Xiu-jun1ZHANG Dai-jun1ZHOU Shun-qi1
1Hongxinglong Research Institute of Heilongjiang Land Reclamation Bureau,Youyi 155811,Heilonhjiang;
2Raohe Farm of Heilongjiang,Raohe 157461,Heilongjiang,China
SoybeanProtein contentSowing dateYield
Suitable sowing date would enhance yield and quality of crops.In order to suffice the needs of production on high protein soybean in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area,three major high protein soybean varieties of Heinong 48,Heinong 43 and Dongnong 42 in the eastern part of Heilongjiang Province were adopted and eight sowing date experiments from 2nd May to 23th May was conducted.The effect of sowing date on growth period,yield and protein content were determined.Results showed that mature date of high protein soybean was consistent but growth duration was shortened as the delaying of sowing date;Agronomic traits was affected by sowing dates but the difference wasn’t significant.Early or late sowing decreased number of effective pod,seed number per plant and 100-seed weight.Sowing date have significant influence on yield.Protein content similarly was affected by sowing dates but difference wasn’t significant,the later the sowing time,the lower the protein content.Results suggest the suitable sowing date of high protein soybean is from May 8 to May 14 in the eastern part of Heilongjiang Province.


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Last Update: 2014-10-07