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Genotype Response of Soybean (Glycine max) Whole Plants and Hairy Roots to Fusarium solani f.sp.glycines Infection(PDF)


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Genotype Response of Soybean (Glycine max) Whole Plants and Hairy Roots to Fusarium solani f.sp.glycines Infection
Shuxian-Li1Anatoliy Lygin2Olga Zernova2Vera Lozovaya2Glen L.Hartman3Jack M.Widholm4
1 United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Services (USDA-ARS),Crop Genetics & Production Research Unit,Stoneville,MS 38776;2Department of Crop Sciences,University of Illinois;3 USDA-ARS and Department of Crop Sciences,University of Illinois;4 Department of Crop Sciences,University of Illinois,1101 W.Peabody Dr.Urbana,IL 61801,USA
Fungal pathogenHairy rootsSoybeanSudden death syndrome
Fusarium solani f.sp.glycines,a soilborne fungus,infects soybean roots and causes sudden death syndrome.The response of 13 soybean genotypes to F.solani f.sp.glycines infection was tested with potted greenhouse grown plants and with cultured hairy roots.The taproots of all genotypes grown in the greenhouse had dark brown lesions following inoculation.Foliar disease severity for greenhouse grown plants measured 21 days after planting was greatest for Peking,followed by Spencer,Ripley,P3981,Williams 82,Essex,Forrest,Iroquois,PI 520733,Hartwig,PI 567650B,Jack,and PI 567374.There were significant negative correlations between foliar disease severity and shoot length(r=-0.422,P=0.0018),shoot weight (r=-0.857,P<0.0001),root weight (r=-0.732,P<0.0001),and total plant dry weights(r=-0.855,P<0.0001).The taproot lesion lengthwas not correlated with foliar disease severity indicating that soybean resistance may not be fully controlled at the root level.When cultured hairy roots were inoculated with F.solani f.sp.glycines mycelial plugs,the colony diameters after 10 days were significantly (P=0.05)different among soybean genotypes ranging from 17 to 40 mm.Fungal colony diameters on hairy roots of Spencer and Peking were greater(P=0.05)than on PI 567374 and PI 520733.In another experiment,following inoculation of Spencer and PI 567374 hairy roots with 10 μL of F.solani f.sp.glycines macroconidial suspensions,10-day-colony diameters were 50 and 38 mm,respectively (P=0.05).While there was generally a correlation between the growth of F.solani f.sp.glycines on the cultured hairy roots and the whole plant symptoms of the different genotypes,this was not always the case.The exceptions may be due to the fact that none of the genotypes showed clear root resistance even though they may show toxin resistance that would result in fewer foliar symptoms.


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Last Update: 2014-10-10