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Effect of H2O2Seed Soaking on Physiological and Biochemical Characters of Soybean Germinating(PDF)


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Effect of H2O2Seed Soaking on Physiological and Biochemical Characters of Soybean Germinating
HE Shi-min1WANG Jian-hua1BAI Zhen-ming2and QIN Jia-shun1
1 Department of Life Science,Changjiang Teacher,s College,Fuling 408003,Chongqing;
2 Yudong Middle school of Banan District of Chongqing Municipality,Chongqing 401320,China
SoybeanHydrogen peroxideVigor indexElectrolyte oozing rateEnzymatic activity
Abstract: To elucidate the effect of H2O2seeds soaking on soybean seeds germinating,This paper tested peroxydase(POD) and polyphone oxidase(PPO)and superoxide dismutase(SOD)activity of soybean seeds soaked with H2O2through colorimetric and oxidize-self method.At the same time tested electrolyte oozing rate and seeds germinating situation.The results showed that seeds soaked with H2O2could increase seeds vigour and relative enzymatic activity obviously.The treatment of 0.1% H2O2could increase germinating rate and vigor index and POD、SOD activity.The treatment of 0.01% H2O2could increase the electrolyte oozing rate and polyphenol oxidase activity of seeds.Therefore,H2O2of proper concentration could raise soybean seeds activity and electrolyte oozing rate and relative enzymatic activity.


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Last Update: 2014-10-10