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Symptoms and Tolerant Limit of Different Genotype Soybeans under Phosphorus Stress(PDF)


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Symptoms and Tolerant Limit of Different Genotype Soybeans under Phosphorus Stress
CHEN Huai-zhuZHAO Yan-hongYANG Shou-zhenLI Chu-yingand SUN Zu-dong
Cash Crop Institute of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanning 530007,Guangxi,China
SoybeanPhosphorus stressGenotypeSymptomTolerance limit
Eight soybean genotypes were used to study the effect of phosphorus stress(excessive or lacking)on the growth and development and tolerant limit of the solution cultured plants.The results showed that 1.5 mmol L-1?of phosphorus was suitable for most of the soybean genotypes.Hydroponic soybean plants required less phosphorus in flowering and pod setting stages but more at seedling and pod filling stages.Lacking of phosphorus resulted in pea-green young leaves,speckle or crimple leaves,brown veins,brown taproot,clumped plants,withered leaf edge,dry rot growth point,less flowers and pods.In the excessive phosphorus treatment,the soybean plants expressed pea-green leaves,speckle leaves,brown veins and dry rot growth point.All symptoms showed light,moderate and severe levels.The result also indicated that the tolerant limit to P stress was significantly different among soybean genotypes.


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Last Update: 2014-10-10