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Whole Soybean Dry Processing Techniques and Key Technologies(PDF)


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Whole Soybean Dry Processing Techniques and Key Technologies
CAO Zhi-min1GAO Fei2 and GUAN Zhong-bo1
1 Institute of Food and Oil Crops,Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Shijiazhuang 050031,Hebei;
2 Department of Health Inspection and Supervision of Hebei,Shijiazhuang 050051,Hebei ,China
SoybeanDry processProcessingKey technologies
The soybean whole body is valuable.In order that enable obtain 100% use of soybean,reserve meals fiber,protein and amino acid to the largest extent,we built the dry production techniques.Through selecting soybean,extracting oil,pulverizing,dough making and molding,we confirmed the factors that influencing product yield.The best yield was got when the water content of soybean was 14%-16%,the oil content of bean cake was 7%,and the ratio of material to water was 10 :6.The dry processing techniques is proofed to be a better technology for it’s improved the use ratio of soybean,reduced cost and environmental pollution,and saved the water.


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Last Update: 2014-10-09