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Effect of Exogenous H2O2on Germination Rate and Activities of Main Antioxidase in Soybean (Glycine maxL.) Seedlings under Low Temperature(PDF)


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Effect of Exogenous H2O2on Germination Rate and Activities of Main Antioxidase in Soybean (Glycine maxL.) Seedlings under Low Temperature
ZHANG Li-jun1SONG Guang-zhou1BAI Shuang1WEI Ying1CUI Zhen-hai1and XIE Fu-ti2
1College of Biological Science and Technology;
2College of Agronomy,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110161,Liaoning,China
. Soybean(Glycine max L.)H2O2GerminationAntioxidase
Cold stress induces plants to produce more reactive oxygen species(ROSs),such as O-2,HO,1O2,H2O2Antioxidases play an important role in scavenging ROSs.The seeds of 2 cold-resistant and 2 cold-sensitive varieties of soybean,after soaked with water,10,20,50,100 and 200 mmol L-1of H2O2for 10 minutes,were distributed over three layers of sterile filter-paper embedded with the same concentrations of H2O2.Then the seeds were germinated under 5℃.The effects of H2O2 on germination rates,concents of endogenous H2O2,activities of antioxidase and cell membrane permeability were determined and analyzed to discuss the mechanism of H2O2.50 mmol L-1or less of H2O2?could increase the germination rates and inhibit the cell membrane permeability and increase antioxidase activities under low temperature in all 4 varieties.Antioxidase activities in cold-resistant varieties were higher than those in the cold-sensitive varieties under all concentrations of H2O2.Endogenous H2O2contents rised in the whole range of concentration of H2O2.Therefore,it is conclude that soaking seeds of soybean with H2O2 can enhance activities of antioxidases,increase their ability to resist cold stress and alleviate cold injury


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Last Update: 2014-10-09