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Chemical Control Alternates the Contribution of Non-leaf Photosynthetic Organs to Seed Yield in Soybean(PDF)


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Chemical Control Alternates the Contribution of Non-leaf Photosynthetic Organs to Seed Yield in Soybean
ZHANG Jian-xinXUE Li-huaand LI Jin-xia
College of Agronomy,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,Xinjiang,China
Key words: SoybeanChemical controlNon-leaf photosynthetic organsSeed weightMaiyefeng
Abstract:Chemical control is an important technology to increase soybean yield.The objective of current research was to investigate the contribution of non-leaf photosynthetic organs to seed weight under chemical control condition.Heinong 41 and Xinzao-1 were used as materials and aluminum foil shading method was adopted,three Maiyefeng chemical control treatments (CK,once chemical control,twice chemical control ) were applied at blooming stage.The photosynthetic contribution of pod,petiole and leaf to seed weight were calculated on yield reducing basis when treated by aluminum foil shading method.Under each chemical control treatment,the relative photosynthetic contribution of pod to seed weight was 4.84%,8.44% and 17.58%,respectively;petiole was 5.91%,3.34% and 12.92%,respectively;leaf was 34.03%,26.29% and 17.00%,respectively.The results suggest that Maiyefeng chemical control could improve relative photosynthetic contribution of pod and petiole to seed weight while decrease relative photosynthetic contribution of leaf.Hence,the yield-increasing effect of chemical control may relate with the alternation of photosynthetic contribution between leaf-and non-leaf organs to seed yield.


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Last Update: 2014-10-09