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Comparative Proteome Analysis of Different Organs between Cytoplasmicnuclear Malesterile Line NJCMS1A and Its Maintainer in Soybeans(PDF)


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Comparative Proteome Analysis of Different Organs between Cytoplasmicnuclear Malesterile Line NJCMS1A and Its Maintainer in Soybeans
ZENG Wei-ying12YANG Shou-ping1GAI Jun-yi1and Yu De-yue1
1 Nanjing Agricultural University,Soybean Research Institute,National Center for Soybean Improvement,National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement,Nanjing 210095,Jiangsu;
2 Maize Research Institute of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanning 530227,Guangxi,China
SoybeanCytoplasmic-nuclear male-sterilityDifferent organsProtomeTwo-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE)
Cytoplasmicn-uclear male sterility plays an important role in the production of hybrid seeds.The knowledge of the mechanism of the cytoplasmicn-uclear male sterility is essential to hybrid seed production.The present paper was aimed at the comparative proteome analysis of different organs between the cytoplasmic-nuclear male-sterile line NJCMS1A and its maintainer NJCMS1B in soybeans.The materials were the seeds,young leaves and anthers from the male-sterile line NJCMS1A and its maintainer NJCMS1B.Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) technique was used to separate the protein spots and the gels were stained with Coomassie Blue G-250.The obtained 2-DE maps were pretty consistent among replications.The difference between the protein maps of NJCMS1A and those of NJCMS1B was analyzed with the PDQuest image software.Seven protein spots were found differentially expressed between NJCMS1A and NJCMS1B seeds.Among these,3 protein spots were present in the seed protein map of NJCMS1A but absent in that of NJCMS1B,and 3 protein spots present in that of NJCMS1B but absent in that of NJCMS1A,another protein spot was up-regulated significantly in the map of NJCMS1A in comparison with that of NJCMS1B.Nine protein spots were found differentially expressed between NJCMS1A and NJCMS1B anthers at uninucleate microspore stage.Among them,3 protein spots were present in the anther protein map of NJCMS1A but absent in that of NJCMS1B,and 6 protein spots present in that of NJCMS1B but absent in that of NJCMS1A.Twenty-four protein spots were found differentially expressed between NJCMS1A and NJCMS1B anthers at binucleate pollen stage.Among them,10 protein spots were present in the anther protein map of NJCMS1A but absent in that of NJCMS1B,and 12 protein spots present in that of NJCMS1B but absent in that of NJCMS1A,another two protein spots were up-regulated significantly in the map of NJCMS1B in comparison with that of NJCMS1A.No protein spot was found differentially expressed between NJCMS1A and NJCMS1B leaves.The above results showed that there were lots of difference between the 2-DE maps of anthers of NJCMS1A and those of NJCMS1B,a little difference between the 2-DE maps of seeds of NJCMS1A and those of NJCMS1B,but no difference between the 2-DE maps of leaves of NJCMS1A and those of NJCMS1B.It was inferred that the expression of the male sterile genes was spacially and periodly,and the anther was the major organ in which the protein related to the male sterility was expressed.


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Last Update: 2014-10-08