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Develop Relay planting Soybean,Revitalize Soybean Industry(PDF)


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Develop Relay planting Soybean,Revitalize Soybean Industry
YANG Wen-yu1YONG Tai-wen1REN Wan-jun1FAN Gao-qiong1MU Jin-yi2and LU Xue-lan2
1College of Agronomy,Sichuan Agricultural University,Yaan 625014,Sichuan;
2General Station of Sichuan Agricultural Technology Extension,Chengdu 610061,Sichuan,China
Relay-planting soybeanSoybean industryRevitalizationSouthern soybean
The soybean supply is not enough for soybean demand in China,so it is urgent to revitalize soybean industry.Presently,the soybean production and development is restricted by many factors in Northern China,such as low yield and productivity,high cost by separating soybean production from marketing areas,yield decreasing induced by continuous cropping,low content of lipid and protein,and so on.The relay planting soybean is the key crop in the system of new multi ripe planting model in Southern China.The development of relay-planting soybean is encouraged by several obvious advantages,for example coexistence consonantly with other main crops,the high protein content,benefits to soybean-food industry,the strong resistance to drought,high yield and income per unit area,etc.So we think that the effective pathway to develop soybean production in China is to stabilize the area of soybean cultivation and raise soybean yield per unit area in Northern China and to facilitate strongly development of relay-planting soybean in Southern China.


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Last Update: 2014-10-07