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ZHAO Yuan1QIN Gui-xin1*ZHANG Xiao-dong2SUN Ze-wei1BAO Nan1
1. College of Animal Science and Technology,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun 130118;
2.Harbin Veterinary Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences ,Harbin 150001
Soybean antigenIsolated purificationAnti-nutritionDigestionProcessing.
Since the fact that the antigenic matter of soybean protein could cause young animal allergy was found,the study on soybean antigen has made people pay more attention to this.To some extent,the nutritional value of soybean was affected by their existence.This article summarized the method of isolated purification and effective processing deactivation of soybean antigen,as well as advances in anti-nutrition function and digestion dynamics of soybean antigen in piglets,calves and rats,providing the scientific basis to make their allergic mechanism perfect further.



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Last Update: 2014-10-21