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WU Li-fangQIN Gui-xinSUN LingZHU Dan
College of Animal Science and Technology ,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun 130118
Soybean agglutininAnimalHealthEffect
The soybean sources are abundant, it is nutritional value is high, it’s amino acid composition is balance. It is the main albumen source of the poultry and aquatic animal. But there are anti-nutritional factors. It has the influence on the animal nutrients digestion and absorption. The soybean agglutinin not only can affect animals growth, but also can union with the intestinal tract epithelial cell, it effect the structure and the function of intestinal tract, the digestive enzyme activity even the whole body of animal. This article has outlined the lectins and the soybean agglutinin meaning and the classification,soybean agglutinin biological function and the effects on animal health .The purpose of this article is to provide the theory basis for the development and utilization of the soybean protein source.



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Last Update: 2014-10-22