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The Status of Soybean Rust Research in China*(PDF)


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The Status of Soybean Rust Research in China*
Shan Zhihui   Zhou Xin’an
(Oil Crops Research Institute of CAAS , Wuchang , 430062)
Soybean rust EpidemicsResistance mechanism Resistance resourcePhysiologicalrace
Soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd was first reported in 1899 in Jilin,a province in northeast China. It became the most destructive disease for soybean production intropical or sub-tropical areas since the 1960s. Systematic research in China started since 1970s.The disease distribution, yield loss, pathogen life cycle, host range , interaction of pathogen andhost , disease epidemiology , host resistance identification and screening , genetics of rust resist-ance and breeding , integrated management were addressed in this paper.


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Last Update: 2016-12-16