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Assessment of Production of Extracellular Enzymesby Trichoderma spp. for Control of SoybeanRoot Rot Pathogens (Fusarium oxysporum ,Rhizoctonia solani)*(PDF)


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Assessment of Production of Extracellular Enzymesby Trichoderma spp. for Control of SoybeanRoot Rot Pathogens (Fusarium oxysporum ,Rhizoctonia solani)*
Shao Hongtao 1   Xu Yanli 2*
(1. College of Agriculture , Heilongjiang University , Habin 150080;2. Northeast Institute ofGeography and Agricultural Ecology , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Habin 150040)
Trichoderma spp. Root rot of soybeanMechanism Extracellular enzyme Chiti-nase β- 13 - glucanase
The role of extracellular enzymes by Trichoderma MM35 for control of soybean rootrot pathogens(Fusarium oxysporum , Rhizoctonia solani) was assessed invitro and in vivo. De-tective levels of hydrolytic extracellular enzymes were recorded by Trichoderma MM35 usingdried F. oxysporum mycelium as C-source in vitro or fresh F. oxysporum mycelium or fresh R.solani mycelium in vivo was found that there were significant increases in chitinase activities byTrichoderma MM35 in soil with inoculation of F. oxysporum. Soil infested with TrichodermaMM35 had significantly elevated chitinase and β - 1, 3- glucanase activities in presence of R. so-lani as compared to R. solani control.


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Last Update: 2016-12-16