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Wang Lianzheng Wang LanZhao RongjuanFu Yuqing Li QiangYan QingshangYe Xingguo Pei Yanlong Xiao Wenyan
(Crop Science Institute ,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences ,Beijing , 100081)
Soybean Breeding
T hrough the past 15 years we developed 13 soybean cultivars,which released in Northern China,in Liaoning , Shangxi and Sichuan Provinces and in Inter Mongolia .5 cultivars-Zhonghuang 13, Zhong-huang17, Zhonghuang 19,Zhonghuang20, Zhonghuang 22 were released by National committee for releaseof new crop cultivars of China.Our breeding objectives are high yield(3~ 4 .5 t/hm 2 )and super high yield(above 4.5 t/hm 2 ), good quality(high oil content >22%or high protein content >44%), resistance to dis-eases and insects, maturity group from 1~ 3 and broad adapability .Breeding for super high yield(above 4.5 t/hm2 ):in 2004 year ,in Xianyuan Elite farm ,Shanxi Provincewe got 4686 kg/hm 2 by using Zhonghuang 13.This result was accepted by National soybean expert groupheaded by professor Qiu Jiaxun from National Soybean Improvement Center .In the same time Zhonghuang19 got 4413 kg/hm 2 .This cultivar got 4835 kg/hm 2 in National Regional test at Huanfan Farm in 1999.Zhonghuang 19 got 5794 kg/hm 2 at Liangzhuan , Taian city ,Shandong in 2004.In Lingxian county , Soil andFertilizer Institute, CAAS Zhonghuang 21 got 5610 kg/hm2in 2002.Main principles for breeding were:choice of highyielding released cultivars and germplasm with much pods per plants and internode for hy- bridization ;progenies of crossing and lines must be evaluated at high fertility and irrigation conditions;crossing between determinated and indetewrminated types with 3~ 5 branches in order to shorten the plantheight to 70 ~ 80 cm by using top dominance of determinated types;diferrent lines must be evaluated athigh fertility and irrigation production conditions;the weight of 100 soybean seeds must bigger than 22 ~ 26grains.Breeding for high oil and protein content :by crossing of high oil or high protein parents with highyielding parents, determination oil or protein content of crossing progenies in F 3~ 5 on a large scale , morethan 1168 samples and test yield of these lines with high oil or high protein in different locations and fertili-ty level .Usually oil content of soybean has normal distribution .We developed Zhonghuang 20 with oil con-tent 23.5 %,which released in 2003.Breeding for resistance to cyst nematode :From 1991, we started breeding study on resistance to cystnematode .We found, near Beijing area dominant race of cyst nematode was race 4.We made a lot ofcross, more than 50 combinations.The best combination is Dan 8×PI 437654 with big segregation in plantheight ,pod habit , resistance to cyst nematode , maturity , and we got a lot of soybean new lines ,highly re-sistant to cyst nematode through pedigree method of selection, enlarge the number of plants of good com-bination , alternate breeding in North and South , identification at early generation.Now we released Zhon-ghuang 26 with high resistance to cyst nematode .Applicating the RAPD technique , we analyzed eight soy-bean cultivars and lines, which included two resistant lines 1259 y and 1259 B, and their resistant parentHuipizhiheidou , susceptible parent-Jinyi 9, other two resistant varieties , Yuanboheidou and PI 437654,other two susceptible cultivars, Ludou 1 and Ludou 7, to race 4 of Heterodera glycines for their amplifiedproducts, Among 33 primers, one primer , OPG 04(Operon Company), amplified a DNA fragment whichspecifically existed in the products of all five resistant varieties and lines, and not found in these of threesusceptible cultivars(including susceptible parent).Breeding for broad adapability of soybean :we use parents from different latitudes and develope newcultivar Zhonghuang 13 with broad adapability ,it can growing in southern part of Sichuan province near 29northern latitude and in the same time it can grow in southern part of Liaoning province near 42 northernlatitude.


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Last Update: 2016-12-15