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EFFECTS OF WATER- NITROGEN COUPLING ON THEGROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF SOYBEANⅡ. Effects of Water-Nitrogen Coupling on the Physiological Characteristics of Soybean(PDF)


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EFFECTS OF WATER- NITROGEN COUPLING ON THEGROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF SOYBEANⅡ. Effects of Water-Nitrogen Coupling on the Physiological Characteristics of Soybean
Han Xiaozeng12 Pei Yufeng12Wang Shouyu1 Zu Wei2Liu LijuN2
(1. Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology , CAS , Harbin ,150040 ;2. Northeast Agricultural University , Harbin, 150030)
Soybean Water-nitrogen coupling Photosynthetic rate Stomatal conductance Transpirationrate
  A pot experiment was conducted for two years to evaluate the effects of water-nitrogen couplingon the physiological characteristics of soybean at different stages of the growth and development. The re-sults showed that :1)under the condition of over-waterlogging the photosynthetic rate (P)of soybean de-clined significantly and turned to be more seriously at later stage , at the stages of R 2 ~ R 4 period and thestomatal conductance (C) decreased as well , but the transpiration rate (E)increased accordingly. The in-creased application of N-fertilizer would give rise to the decline of P , C and E , which explained the yieldloses of soybean ;2)when exposed to the abundant water condition , the P , C and E increased significant-ly , but they were on the way to decreasing with the growing of soybean plants ,the increased application ofN-fertilizer would lead to the increase of P ,C and E , which account for the high yield of soybean ;3)thecondition of a little drought made the P ,C and E declined at different stages, especially. during R 2 ~ R 5 pe-riod, increasing the application of N-fertilizer could readjust the effects of water on P and increase C , E andenhance the adaptability to adversity stress;4)over-drought treatment caused the P , C and E decline sosignificantly that the effects of water on the physiological characteristics of soybean could not be readjustby increasing the application of N-fertilizer. When suitable soil moisture resumed, the application of N-fer-tilizer would affect and further restore the growth speed of soybean in the wake of drought stress. In expo-sure to waterlogging or drought stress at V 6 stage, soybean would suffer by different degrees at later sta-ges of the growth and development though on the way to decreasing gradually. Comparatively , R 2 ~ R 4were the crucial stages that accounted for the yield, and water-fertilizer measures should be conducted.Conclusively , under different water conditions regulating the application of N-fertilizer could ensure thegrow th and development of soybean and reduced the yield loses. Under the waterlogging condition, in-creasing N-fertilizer is harmful to soybean, but it will be useless under the drought condition. IncreasingN-fertilizer applying is helpful to soybean under the condition of abundance , fitting and a little drought.


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Last Update: 2016-12-12