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Xiao Shuqin 1  Hu Yuanfu 2  Xue Chunsheng 1  Duan Yuxi 1  Wang Binbin 2
(1.Shen yang Agricultural University , Shenyang , 110161;2.HeilongjiangBawuwu Farm ,Mishan, 158327)
Phytophthora root rot Molecular biology
Phytophthora root rot , caused by Phytophthora sojae , is a key disease on soybean (Glycinemax (L .)Merr .)that affect Seriously damages soybean yields in the world.Resistant cultivars are the oneof effective methods to control Phytophthora root rot of soybean .This review focused on the genetic diver-sity , Avr gene markered and cloned of Phytophthora sojae , R gene located and resistant resourses molec-ular identified of soybean .Heavy selective pressures of Rps were major mechanism of new raceshappening .P .sojae appearance showed a moderate degree of diversity by RFLP markers.Avr1a , -1b , -1d, -1k,-3a , -4, and -6 were single dominant genes.Full length Avr1b -1 cDNA was isolated from P7064 byreverse transcriptase -PCR(RT -PCR)and sequenced .There were 14 single dominant resistance genes at8 different loci to control the identified Phytophthora ,Rpslk had been cloned and encodes an intracellularcoiled-coil class NBS -LRR protein .Resistance of germplasms could be evaluated by simple sequence re-peat (SSR), RFLP and RAPD markers.Partial resistance to Phytophthora sojae was expressed as a re-duced level of root rot and was effective against all populations of the pathogen.


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Last Update: 2017-01-08