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Zhang Shuzhen1Xu Pengfei1Lin Shifeng1Li Wenbin1Yang Chuanping2
1 .Soybean Inst itute of Northeast Agricultural Universi ty , Harbin 150030 ;
2.Forestry College of Northeast Forest ry University , Harbin 150040
Somatic embryogenesis Soybean Regeneration system
S 565.1
In this paper , the origination of plant somatic embryogenesis and its character w ere introduced ;therecent advance of soybean somatic embryogenesis system from the point view of the kinds of explants , genotypes, hormone kinds and concentration , the size of the explants and the t ime for getting the explants , histologyw ere expatiated ;the prospect s of soybean somatic embryogenesis w as brought forw ard through the int roduct ionof the fo rmation mechanism and molecular basement of somatic embry ogenesis of the other plants .


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