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Zhang Zhongchen  Zhan Xiuling  Chen Qingshan  Teng Weili  Yang QingkaiLi Wenbin  Liu Ying xue  Guo Qiang  Zhang Lina
Soybean Research Insti tute of Northeast Agricultural University , Harbin 150030
Soy bean Quantitative Trait Loci(Q TL)Molecular marker Gene mapping Molecular AssistedSelection(MAS)
S 565.1
QTL mapping is to identify the location of genes that control the quanti tative trait s in genome basedon the linkage map , the linking relation of molecular markers and the QT L , as w ell as the molecular taggingtechnologies .The current literatures of QTL mapping for soy bean agronomic trait s , physiological trait s , pest -resistance t raits , and marker assisted breeding and so on w ere review ed in this paper .


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Last Update: 2017-01-01