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Liu Xiaobing1 2Jin Jian1Wang Guang hua1S .J .Herbert2A.M .Hashemi2
1.Northeast Insti tute of Geography and Agro -ecology , CAS , Harbin , 150040 ;
2.Department of Plant and Soi l Sciences , Universi ty of Massachuset ts , Amherst , MA , 01003 US A)
Row spacings Light interception Water and nut rient uptake Weed cont rol Soybean
S 565.1
Grow ing soybean in dif ferent row -spacings int roduces competi tion .Competition begins when theimmediate supply of a sing le necessary facto r falls below the combined demands of all plant s.This paper review sthe main competition facto rs of genoty pes , light , w ater , nutrients and weed in responses to row spacings fo r thepast four decades .It demonstrated that responses of soybean genotypes to row width differ among cultivars,w hich depend on seasonal rainfall and i rrigation .Determinate ty pes produce more yield in narrow -rows , andcultivars with lodging resistance should be adopted in narrow -spacings , but indeterminate soybean should alsobe used to optimize yields in certain system .Narrow -compared with w ide -row soy bean (Glycine max)cultivationincreases light interception (LI)and dominant components fo r the increase come from LAI , light ex tinctioncoefficient s and branch ty pes .Water use efficiency and evapot ranspiration are not inf luenced by row spacing, but seed yield could be increased if irrigation is applied .Nut rient uptake is sig nificant ly affected by rowspacing , seed yields and uptake of N , P , K in plants increases wi th decreasing row spacing , and the effect s dependon the fertilizer levels .Other factors rather than row spacing affect nitrogen fix ation .Weed density , peaktime and periodicity of weed emergence are no t affected by row spacing , but bet ter complementary w eed cont rolby the herbicides at the used doses can be obtained in narrow spacing due to the reduced weed number and dryw eight .Mo re researches are required to investigate the physiological responses , nut rient and w ater uptake andtranslocation , light utilization at different layers of canopy and soil enviro nment changes in dif ferent row -spacings.


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