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He Qingyuan  Hu Yan  Yu Yong xiong
Key Laboratory of Pasture and Herbivore Southwest Agricul tural Universi ty , Chongqing 400716
Rhizobium Nodulation competit ion Environment Soil
S 154.38 +1
Facto rs influencing on the ability of nodulation competition in environment includes soil conditions,level of fertili ty , the number and type of indigenous rhizobium , other microbes , manner and time of inoculatedrhizobium , in addition to other factors .Mostly study of soil condi tions inf luencing on the ability of nodulat ioncompetition focus in soil ty pe and pH .Level of fertility includes level of nit rogen and content of o rganic .Thispaper w ould give a brief introduction on this area .


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Last Update: 2016-12-31