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Lu Weiguo1 2Gai Juny i1
1.Soybean Research Inst itute of Nanjing Agricultural Universi ty ;National Center for SoybeanImprovement ;National Key Laboratory for Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement Nanjing 210095;
2.Insti tute of Cotton and Oi l Crops , Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences , Zhengzhou 450002
Glycines max Heterodera glycines Ichinohe Race identification Genetics of resistance Molecularmarker
S 565.1
Soybean cy st nematode (SCN , Heterodera glycines Ichinohe)is a w orldw ide pest of soybeans .It wasreported that the inheritance of resistance to this pest w as cont rolled by multiple genes and that there w ere differentresult s among dif ferent experiment s due to environment difference and population heterogenei ty of thepest .The race identification system developed by Riggs et al.(1988)was still cont roversial due to the overlap ofresistant genes in the four differentials .Tw o resistant genes , rhg1 and Rhg 4 , w ere identified and taggedthroug h Mendel genetic study and molecular marker analysis.The gene , rhg 1 , located on linkage g roup G ,could explain mo re than 50 % of the total variation in the resistance to the pest and confer non -race specific resistance, and it was of g reat value in breeding and resistant gene clo ning .Several molecular markers close torhg1 had been screened out and proved to be effective in breeding programs .The gene , Rhg 4 , located 0 .35 cMfrom i locus on linkage g roup A , w as related to Race 3 resistance .


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Last Update: 2016-12-31