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Jin Jian  Liu Xiaobing  Wang Guang hua
Hei longjiang Inst itute of Agricultural Modernizat ion , CAS , Harbin , 150040
Soybean root Eco -physiology Grow th dy namic Root inheritance Environmental facto r
This review made a thoroug h discussion on the advances of soybean root research f rom six aspects includingdif ference between w ild soybean Glycine soja root and cultiv ated soy bean Glycine max (L .)Merrillroot , relationship between root g row th and grain yield , root t rai ts in soybean cult ivars w ith different characteristics,physiological and biochemical characters of root , root inheritance and effect s of enviro nmental condi tionsand field management s , further research of soybean root was proposed as well.


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