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A Study on Increasing Solubility of Soy -proteinby Ultrasonic Waves(PDF)


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A Study on Increasing Solubility of Soy -proteinby Ultrasonic Waves
Liang Qi1Li Ronghe2Qi Bin2Liu Lei2Chen Jingguo2
1 .Quarter Master University of PLA Changchun 130062 ;
2 .National Research AndPopularization Center of Soybean Refined Processing Changchun 130022
Ult rasonic w aves Soy protein Solubility
To increase the recovery rate and protein’ s content of soybean products through refined processing, w e use the ultrasonic w aves to t reat the mixture of soy milk and soy pulp after wet -grinding ,thus producing the effect of ult rasonic hole , which increases the solubility rate of soy bean protein anddecreases the remnants of soybean protein in soy pulp .The results show that ultrasonic waves can improvethe solubility of soy protein .As a result , the content of soy milk protein and the dry weight ofsoy milk relatively increased by 6 .6 % and 11 .6 % respectively .This technique can improve the contentof protein and the recovery rate in terms of tradi tional soy product s and modern -processed soybeanproducts including soy milk , instant soy pow der , isolated soy protein , concent rated soy proteinand so on.


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Last Update: 2016-12-28