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Tang Chuanhe Tang Xiao qua n Peng Zhiying
South China University of Technology ,Food and Biotechnology College , Guangzhou , 510640
Soy bean Soya sapo nin DDM P Physiological functio n
S565. 01
Resea rches o n the st ructure and dist ributio n and co ntent of soya sapo nin were review ed in detail.The series o f soyasapo nin include g roup A, g roup B, and DDM P sapo nins. Th e DDM P- sapo nin i s theg enuine sapo nin existing in soy bean seed. Due to unstabili ty , it can be easily decmposed to usual g roup Bo r g roup E sapo nin. Recent adv ances o n the phy siological functio ns of so yasapo nin w ere review ed, includinga nti- ca ncer activi ty, anti- HIV activi ty , a nd antioxidant activi ty o f DDMP sa ponin.


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Last Update: 2016-12-28