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Inheritance of a fiv e leaflet character arisingf rom wild soybean ( Gl ycine soja Sieb. et Zucc. )in soybeans ( G. max ( L. ) Mer r. )(PDF)


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Inheritance of a fiv e leaflet character arisingf rom wild soybean ( Gl ycine soja Sieb. et Zucc. )in soybeans ( G. max ( L. ) Mer r. )
Wang Kejing Li Fushan Zhou Tao Xu Zh anyou
Insti tute of Crop Germplasm Resources,ChineseAcademy of Agricultural Sciences (CA AS ) Bei j ing 100081
Genetic a nalysi s Quality character So ybean leaf Soy bean
S565. 032
The inheritance o f a fiv e leaf let muta tion of so ybeans o riginally inheri ted from the w ildw as studied using cross a nalysi s. Six cro sses w ere made betw een "Five Leaf Bean" wi th the fiv eleaf let t rai t a nd o ther 6 lines of no rmal leav es. F2 plants o f 5 crosses produced majo r three a ndfiv e leaf let leav es and also some mino r four six a nd sev en multifoliola te leav es. There w ere tw okinds of seg reg atio n ra tios fo r major fiv e leaf let ( including other multifoliola te leav es) and t rifo liolate characters in the F2 prog eny plants. Fiv e crosses show ed a g oodness of fit to a 3∶ 1 ratioand one cro ss show ed a sa tisfacto ry 63∶ 1 ra tio. The cro ss a nalysi s indicated tha t besides theL f 1g ene co nt rolling fiv e lea flet s, there could be other tw o new ly found g enes g ov er ning this t rai t.These th ree g enes w ere independently g enetic, incompletely dominant and ef fect- duplica ted.


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Last Update: 2016-12-28