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Ya n Fei¡¡Han Limei¡¡Yang Zhenming
Department of Agronomy , Changchun University of Quartermaster,Changchun 130062
Soy bean Co ntinuous cro pping barrier Allelopa thy AllelochemicalsResea rch methods
Sev eral pro blems as follow o n allelo pathic a re mainly approached so as tosupply research methods on ba rrier mechanism o f soy bean co ntinuous cro pping ( 1)Selecting ex t ractio n sources, ex t ract s and collection methods o f allelochemicals; ( 2)Choose para - meters of bioassay, species o f test pla nt and thei r g row th g roundsubstance; ( 3) Establish data stati stical analy si s


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Last Update: 2016-12-27