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Liu Zhisheng1 Li Li te1 Ei zo Tat sumi2
1.College of Food ,China A gricul tural University , Beijing , 100083;
2. Janpan Internat ional Research Center for Agricul tural Sciences
Soy protein Nut ri tional quali ty Physio logical functio n
The resea rch on the nut ri tio nal quali ty and physio logical functio ns of soypro tein are review ed. Recent ly the Protein Digestibi li ty Co rrected Amino Acid Sco re( PDCAAS) w as introduced as a more accurate method to evaluate protein nut ri tionalquality. So y pro tein has a PDCAAS of 1. 0, indica ting i t is complete protein and canmeet essentia l amino acid requi rement s fo r persons mo re than 2 years old; Clinicalresea rch has show n tha t so y pro tein decrea ses LDL- cholestero l level sig nificantly andtends to increase HDL - cho lestero l lev el. So y protein favo rably af fect s calciummetaboli sm relativ e to o ther high quali ty protein。The diet including soy protein insteadanimal pro tein benefi t ch ro nic renal disease.


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Last Update: 2016-12-27