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Yu Bingjun Liu Yo uliang
Department of Agronomy , Nanjing Agricultural University , Nanj ing 210095
So ybean Sal t tolerance Io n to xici ty Menbrane compo nents NodulesSalt g lands
This paper has review ed recent pro gress in study o n salt tolerance of so ybean( Gl ycine L. ) , including io n toxici ty , changes of membrane lipids and pro teins, activ eo xyg en damag e, no dules and sal t g lands. The salt tolerance is promo ted no t only byphysio logical mecha nisms, such as osmo tic adjustment, cha nges o f membra necomponent s, removing activ e ox yg en, but also by morpho logical structures, i. e.nodules and salt g lands. The path way s o f bio logical improv ement a nd comprehensiv eex ploi tation of saline soi l, and the researching di rection in the future are also di scussed.


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Last Update: 2016-12-27