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Research Field:
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Yan Qing shang1 Shao Guihua1 Cha ng Ruzheng2
1. Institute of Crop Breeding and Cul tivation, CA A S, Beijing 100081
2. Insti tute of Crop Germplasm Resources, CAA S , Beij ing 100081
Soy bean Germpla sm AV RDC
Acco rding to AV RDC a nnual Prog ress Repor ts, We review ed the adv ances ofsoybean g ermplasm researches a t AV RDC. AV RDC had int roduced 13, 618 so ybeang ermpla sm accessio ns f rom more than 50 count ries or areas during 1973- 1995. All thesoybean accessio ns are co nserv ed in lo ng- term a nd medium- term sto rag e rooms. Anew cent rali zed g ermplasm introductio n sy stem was setabli shed in 1986 and has beenused since that time. All the col lectio ns have their ow n passpo rt data w hich are availableto all scientist s. In order to understand the nature o f di fficulty fo r sto rag e of so ybean seeds, mo re researches w ere co nducted o n storage tech niques, storag e co ndi tio ns, seedlo ng evi ty , cha ng es o f seed chemical substa nces in the period o f sto rag e. Almost all thecollections w ere ev aluated o n the trait s o f high yielding , early maturi ty , insensi tivi ty tophotoperiod, resistance to diseases o r insect pest s etc. Some accessio ns w erecha racteri zed based on IBPGR’s descripto rs fo r so ybean. The researchers o n so ybeanbreeding , patholo gy , entomo log y, seed scicence screened a number o f g eno ty pes w ithdesi rable t rai ts. By using these desi rable germplasm, scienti st s of AV RDC hav edev elo ped a lo t of AGS lines o r GC lines, which are hig h yielding wi th resi stance o rtolerance to soybea n di seases, o r wi th ea rly maturity, o r wi th insensi tiv ity tophotoperids and adapt to pla nt in t ro pical a nd sub - t ropical areas. The so ybeanaccessions a nd breeding lines collected at AV RDC hav e been dist ributed to the na tionalinstitutions and priv ate persons w ho asked for them. The wide di stribution o f AV RDCsoybean col lectio ns has enlarg ed their utilization in t ropical and subt ro pical co unt ries.


1 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Annual Report f or 1972- 1973, 1974

2 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Annual Report f or 1974, 1975
3 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1977, 1978
4 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1978, 1979
5. ? Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1979, 1981
6 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1980, 1981
7 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1981, 1982
8 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1982, 1983
9 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1983, 1985
10 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1984, 1987
11 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1985, 1987
12 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or1986, 1988
13 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1987, 1990
14 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1988, 1990
15 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1989, 1990
16 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or1990, 1991
17 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1991, 1992
18 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1992, 1993
19 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1993, 1994
20 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1994, 1995
21 Asian V egetabl e Research and Devel opmen t Cent er, AVRDC Prog res s Report f or 1995, 1996


Last Update: 2016-12-27