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STUDY ON MECHANISM OF SOYBEAN SOIL FERTILIZING OF SOYBEAN1. The Supersession of New and Old Soybean Roots Duriug Growing Stages(PDF)


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STUDY ON MECHANISM OF SOYBEAN SOIL FERTILIZING OF SOYBEAN1. The Supersession of New and Old Soybean Roots Duriug Growing Stages
Shen Changpu Go ng Zhenping Wang Guo yi Zhao Fuhua
Northeast Agriculturol University , Harbin 150030
Soy bean Root densi ty Supersession o f soy bean roo ts
The object o f thi s study i s to verify tha t there is vig oro us supersession ofnew and old roo ts in soy bean va rio us g row ing stag es. Thro ugh the combining analysiso f the data of 3 ex perimental methods ( So lution culture, reduction of manganese oxide,square dif ferential value ) , i t i s co nfi rmed that in soy bean exist s a process ofsupersession o f new and old roo ts f rom seedling to po d fi lling stages, a nd there a re atleast 6990. 4cm of roo t s in leng th and 255. 8 no dules in 0. 0175m3 which sustain decayf rom June to Aug ust. It show s that the supersession of new a nd o ld roo t s i s animpo rtant link in the mecha nism of soy bean fer ti li zing soil.


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Last Update: 2016-12-27