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Genetics of seed longevity in soybean(PDF)


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Genetics of seed longevity in soybean
Pham Thi Dao and Hari Har Ram
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding G. B. Pant Univ ersity ofAg riculture and Technolog y, Pantnagar- 263145, India
Soybean Seed lo ngevity Storabili ty
Soybean seeds have a short sto rage life, especially in humid, t ropical envi ronments.How ever, few varieties hav e been identi fied to hav e superior seed long evity. This inv estig ationw as co nducted to study the genetics of seed longevity /storabili ty with the ultimate aimto improve this trait th rough breeding prog ramme.Parental, F1 , F2 , F3 g enerations of Kalitur× PK 416, Kalitur× PK 472 and PK 515×Ankur crosses w ere evaluated fo r seed lo ngevity af ter 8 months of ambient storage ( December-July) . Of the parental lines, Kali tur and Ankur w ere of superior seed longevi ty whilePK 416, PK 472 and PK515 w ere of poo r seed long evity. Seeds f rom F1 plants ( F2 seeds)show ed low storabili ty to be dominant ov er high sto rability. Seg reg atio n pat tern in F2 was 3∶ 1 in Kali tur× PK472 and 15∶ 1 in Kali tur× PK 416 and PK 515× Ankur ( low v s highlong ev ity ) suggesting that the trait w as g ov erned by 1 and 2major genes, respectiv ely. Thisratio w as supported by 5∶ 3 and 55∶ 9 ratio in the F3 ( bulk) of the respectiv e crosses. Thiscould also be confi rmed by observing the F3 rows of t rue breeding for recessiv e phenotype i.e. hig h seed long evity w hose number w as as per expectation in each cross.


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Last Update: 2016-12-27