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Linkag e Ship Among Genes fo r Res Istanceto Yellow Mosaic Varus, Biha r HairyCaterpillar Spilosoma boliqua walker andBacterial Pustules x. campestris pv . gl ycinesin The Interspecific Crosses of Soybean(PDF)


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Linkag e Ship Among Genes fo r Res Istanceto Yellow Mosaic Varus, Biha r HairyCaterpillar Spilosoma boliqua walker andBacterial Pustules x. campestris pv . gl ycinesin The Interspecific Crosses of Soybean
P. K. Bhat tacharyya Harihar Ram
Department of Plant Breeding , G. B. Pant Universi ty of Agricul ture& Technology ,P AN YN AGAR - 263145, Dist . U. S. Nagar , U. P. , IN DIA
Linkage- yellow mo saic vi rus- Bihar hai ry caterpi llar ( S. obl iqua) -Bacteria l pustule ( C. O. × . campestris pv. gl ycines) - Gl ycine max - Gl ycine soja - Interspecific hybridization
The estimatio n of linkag e( s) w ere studied among resi stance to YMV ( Yellow MosaicVi rus) , resista nce to BHC ( Bilar hai ry caterpillar, Spilosoma obl iqua Walker) andBP ( Bacterial pustule c. o. X . campestri s pv. gl ycines) in the interspecific crosses between Glycine max and Glycine soja , a w ild accession recog nised as a source of resi stanceto YMV and BHC in soy bean. Recombinatio n values w ere estimated by using fo ur methodsof estima tion namely square ro ot method, product ra tio method, emeson methodand maximum likelihoo d method for the character- pair resi stance to YMV and susceptibilityto BP as o nly these characters w ere show n to be linked ( devia tion f rom 9: 3: 3: 1w as fo und sig ni fica nt ) . An av erag e v alue of recombination in all the metho ds and crossesw as 29. 05 per cent indicates the moderate linkag e betw een these tw o genes(character) . Such a moderate linkage sho uld no t be any hindrance in the w ay of synthesizing a desi rable recombinant ty pe hav ing resi stance to bo th YMV and BP.


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Last Update: 2016-12-27